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  • Writer's pictureLaura Bittencourt

4 Ways to Wear a Scarf

Don’t know how to wear a scarf or how to Incorporate it on to your outfit? Scarves are one of my absolute favorite accessories. Besides the obvious comfort of a warm snugly scarf around your neck, they have so much to offer when it comes to sprucing up an outfit. With the variety of patterns and textiles scarves come in, it’s basically a given that you will find a scarf (or two) to add to your wardrobe. If we are being honest here, no one can have “too many” scarves – each one can bring a different flavor to the same exact outfit

Here are 4 easy ways to wear a scarf!

Wrap it

This style is perfect if you have a beautiful brooch, plus it is super easy to do. To make this beautiful wrap, open the scarf up completely, wrap it around your bodice and connect both sides with the brooch.

Spice up your purse

Why not combine your favorite scarf and your favorite purse? Knot a scarf around the handle of a purse, and there you have it! This style is also perfect if you want to bring a scarf in case you get chilly, but you don’t want to wear it around your neck the entire day.

Make it a headband

Possibly one of my personal favorites, a scarf headband brings color to your face without interfering too much with the patterns on the clothes you are wearing. This factor makes it very easy to mix different prints and patterns without looking too busy.

To make your headband, fold your scarf until it’s about 4-5 inches wide (or whichever width you prefer); then, place the strip on your head and wrap it to meet the two ends in the back; now, tie the ends together to form a tight knot. And there you have it, a custom headband that no one else will have!

photo by: Unsplash

Make it a unique belt

Belting a scarf is a great way to make a simple pair of bottoms or a dress something really special. To make this stylish belt, roll up the scarf length-wise, wrap it around your waist and tie a knot to complete the look. An alternative to using a large-sized scarf is cutting a medium-sized scarf in half and knotting the pieces together to create a longer piece of fabric.

These are simply four ways to wear a scarf, but there are so many more ideas for you to discover. The most important thing is to be open to trying new ways to wear all types of accessories, even though it might feel out of the ordinary. With this mindset, your wardrobe will blossom with a new sense of individuality.

Share your favorite way to wear a scarf in the comments below!


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