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  • Writer's pictureLaura Bittencourt

Four Different Types Of Content You Can Create For Your Blog

There will always be a time during your blogging journey when you just don’t know what to write about.

Whether it’s writer’s block rearing its ugly head, or you’re simply out of ideas, it can be hard to get out of that funk.

Instead of pushing through with the same old blog post, utilize a bit of creative thinking to turn the ordinary on its head.

Here are four different types of content you can publish:

Video Tutorials

If writing full guides on a subject seems too daunting for you, you can always create a video tutorial instead. Video is hugely popular – sometimes more popular than the written word, so utilizing it in your blog makes a lot of sense.

Your options for video tutorials include:

  • Filming yourself explaining things

  • Filming a screen cast of you performing the tutorial steps

  • Filming a screen cast with a voice-over explaining as you go through the steps.

When posting your tutorial to your blog, you can either host the video directly on your website by uploading it. Or, you could upload it to a video hosting site like YouTube or Vimeo and embed it in a blog post on your site.


A checklist is one of the simplest types of content you can publish. We’ve all written a check-list or to-do list before and they work because they’re short, easy to digest and allow the ability to cross items off as you complete them.

Translating this into a blog post is the same thing. Simply post your checklist with some supporting information.

Gardening bloggers could post a checklist for planting in the spring or getting your garden ready for winter. On the other hand, interior bloggers can create a spring cleaning checklist.


Infographics don’t have to be those long professionally made images you see all over Pinterest. An infographic can be an image of any size or shape and about any type of information.

Creating infographics for your blog is an effective way to provide valuable information while encouraging people to share something visually appealing. They could be charts, statistics, step-by-step instructions an even fun fact.

The higher the quality these infographics are, the better.

Tools like Canva and Venngage make it especially easy to make your own imagery with their pre-built templates and free icons.

Comparison Post

Comparison post are somewhat similar to reviews, comparison posts are all about comparing one thing to another. Once you’ve written a review, you can follow it up with an alternative product.

Spend time comparing the two and jotting down the pros and cons of both. Then, put it all together in a blog post, explaining the differences and similarities.

Unlike reviews, where you have to be really specific about the details, comparisons allow room for further thoughts and opinions.

Final Thoughts

Every blogger finds themselves with a lack of ideas at some time or another. Not knowing what to write about is frustrating when you’re trying to stay consistent.The truth is, there is the inspiration for creating new blog posts all around you. From expert comment roundups to charity awareness – there’s always a way to generate new content that’s relevant to your blog.Use some of the ideas above and you might find you have more ideas than you know what to do with!

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